Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year...New What?

Have you seen how many diet
books are out there?
Every year about this time we are inundated with messages about making New Year's resolutions. And it's probably no surprise that weight loss is the top resolution people make each year. When I worked in the magazine industry, it seemed that every women's magazine had a cover line promising a "new year, new you."

But I'll admit it. I'd like a new me. At least a smaller version of me. But it's been a new year for the last 10 years, and honestly I'm still wearing some of the same clothes. I've been a solid size 14 for at least that long. So I decided that when I flipped that calendar over to January 2011, it would be no different than the day before. Of course, I slipped up considerably during the holidays - damn you co-workers and your baked goods and boxes of chocolates! But during a bit of post-holiday shopping I discovered that the Ann Taylor Loft size 14 pants I was trying on were too big. And then, the size 14 skirt I tried on was too big too! So here's to me vowing not to make weight-loss a resolution. But I am resolving not to buy another item of clothing in a size 14. Of course, if my clothes start looking a bit dated, well, you'll know why.

My biggest challenge right now is that I'm gym-less. And mentally, I feel that if I don't have a gym, well, there's nothing I can do. But that's not true. I don't need to buy the diet books, have a gym membership, or join Weight Watchers. I've turned my basement into an exercise room. I have a trainer for my mountain bike, I have two new DVDs and sidewalks that go for miles. If I can't kick my own ass, nothing can.

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