Friday, June 4, 2010

Tracy Anderson Method

I have become minorly obsessed with Tracy Anderson. I mean seriously, look at this photo. These are some serious abs. Tracy Anderson is the woman responsible for keeping Gwynth Paltrow and Maddona in shape. Now, I understand that these women have the money and time to have whatever body they like, but I was still intrigued. I've googled her, read her Web site top to bottom and watched nearly every YouTube video I could find. I decided to give it a shot. I've ordered her mat workout (which I hear will kick my ass) and this morning I tried her treadmill workout. Thanks to some nice woman on Facebook, I was able to get the full webisode of the workout. I'm sure I made a fool of myself at the gym, but let me tell you, after just a few minutes my heart rate spiked and the sweat started running. She said to start with 15 minutes (which I did, with some tiny breaks) and eventually build up to 40 minutes. It's also going to take me some time feel confident enough to let go of the treadmill during the sashays without flying off the back into some unsuspecting bike rider behind me. If you're looking to mix up your workout, give it a try! Just let go of any misgivings of how you might look if you're in public.

1 comment:

  1. I want to see the full treadmill workout! It really looks fun but I WOULD fly off the back of the treadmill, for sure....
    Can't wait to hear what you think of the mat routine!
